Andrey Vavilov. News

Presentation of Andrey Vavilov’s New Book, Russia’s Public Debt and Financial Meltdowns

2010-10-29 12:18
The London editorial office of The Economist, the most popular economic and political magazine in the world, hosted the presentation of Andrey Vavilov’s new book, Russia’s Public Debt and Financial Meltdowns published in the summer of 2010 by Palgrave Macmillan, a recognized leading publisher of scientific literature.

This was Andrey Vavilov’s first book published abroad. It was also one of the first books to analyze the 1988-1997 period in Russian history, primarily from an economic perspective.

Along with Andrey Vavilov, the discussion dedicated to the published book involved Bill Emmot, a famous journalist, author of multiple books, and ex-editor-in-chiefof TheEconomist, and Edward Lucas, senior editor of the international department of the magazine, who is one of the world’s leading Russia experts. The presentation was also attended by many prominent representatives of the academic and business communities of the U.K., the U.S., and Russia.

The audience was of the same mind that, for all those interested in the transformation of the Russian economy and the public finance sector, reading this book is an absolute must. Apart from the author’s work, a broad range of other Russia-related issues were discussed – from the optimum pace of reforms to the influence of big business on the government.

“Read this amazing book!”
Edward Lucas, International Editor, The Economist

“Andrey Vavilov’s book is a major contribution to the literature”
Dr. Carol Leonard, Oxford University Lecturer in Regional Studies of the Post-Communist States