Andrey Vavilov. News

Andrey Vavilov Became a Member of the Board of Directors at the NES

In May 2013, Andrey Vavilov became a member of the Board of Directors at the New Economic School (NES). At the same time, he retains his position on the Supervisory Board of the NES Endowment Fund.

The Board of Directors, the supreme governing body at the NES, was formed in October 2004. Its main function is to determine the development strategy of the school and exercise overall management. The board approves the mission, strategic development plan, and budget of the NES.

The New Economic School (NES) is a unique higher education institution established in 1992. NES diplomas are highly valued in Russia and abroad. The mission of the New Economic School is modern economic education and research for Russian society, business, and government.